Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Summary of the Article: "3 Healthy Family Habits to Prevent Childhood Obesity"


     In this article the author, Lisa Collier Cool, introduced the topic of childhood obesity. She then listed and expounded slightly upon three simple tips to eliminate the problem.
     Cool began to introduce the issue by alluding to the first lady's views on the matter. "We want to eliminate this problem of childhood obesity in a generation. We want our kids to face a different and more optimistic future in terms of their lifespan," said Michelle Obama. This reference to a well known person helps in attracting and keeping a readers attention long enough to throw out the astonishing statistics. The fact that childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years is most definately a successful hook to keep readers reading through the solutions.
     Ms. Cool's list of tips included: "dine together," "turn off the tube," and "make sure kids get enough sleep."
She stated that when a family eats together, the food is more likely to be somewhat healthy. By turning off the t.v., children and parents are able to engage in conversation on the food being eaten rather than mindlessly over-eating in front of the television. Finally, if a child doesn't get enough sleep, they are more likely to be less active, therefore burning fewer calories. Sleep deprived children also have higher leves of cortisol which has been linked to increased appetite in some experiments.
    Lisa Collier Cool stated a problem and gave three simple solutions to solving it. The short and easy to understand explanations make it easily reading for all types of audiences. If people could understand the seriousness of this disease, they would be taking advantage of well written/organized by implementing these tips in their families.

Works Cited
Cool, Lisa C. "3 Healthy Family Habits To Prevent Childhood Obesity." Healthymagination. General Electric Company, 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2010. <http://www.healthymagination.com/blog/3-healthy-family-habits-to-prevent-childhood-obesity/?c_id=bingchildhoodobesityBLOG&utm_source=FamilyHabitsToPreventChildhoodObesityBroad&utm_medium=PPCBING&utm_campaign=Healthcare%2BSEM&kw={KeyWord)>.

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