Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Essential Question

How might I locate and then aid other Americans in  implementing a cure for the ever-rising epidemic of childhood obesity?

1)Why did I select this as my essential question? 
     I selected this as my essential question because I intend on becoming a pediatrician; therefore, I'm interested in diseases and issues dealing with children. Also, I selected it because I desperately desire to help others in not only my community, but my country. Childhood obesity is an epidemic that is increasing quickly and tremendously. I intend on aiding the end to that.

2)What excites me most about finding the answer to this essential question? 
     I am so incredibly excited by the fact that I could quite possibly make a positive difference in the lives of other people. Childhood obesity is a serious problem that, if not dealt with early, has grave consequences in the end. The excitement of the anwer to this essential question comes from the joy of helping even just one child to have a brighter future.

3)Do I feel that this question accurately reflects a desire/need that I have to find out more about this topic?
     As I said before, I have a desire to help others. This question outlines exactly what I hope to do in this class. I intend on researching all aspects of the problem of childhood obesity in order to help other people in avoiding this issue.

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