Friday, March 25, 2011

Healthy Weight: Tips for Parents

The article I chose to read was very informative and will definately be useful for my final project. First off, I found it on the official CDC website, so I knew it was credible.
The article began by explaining why doctors have suddenly become so concerned about childhood obesity. They also listed examples of diseases that are caused or brought on by being overweight. I liked the way they explained this, because they listed physical as well as psychological affects on the children.
The rest of the article listed several healthy ways for a parent to keep an eye out for their child. This website was really helpful to me and I know it would be to any parent as well. I also liked how the article had several other helpful links posted at the end. This article/website not only informed me on the subject I am studying, but it also gave me an idea on how I should lay out my website in order to make it effective.
All in all, theis article was very helpful.

Works Cited
"Healthy Weight: Tips for Parents | DNPAO | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Interests me?

1. What part of the newspaper do you read first?
     I normally don't read the newspaper. When I do, I tend to only read the articles from the front page that look interesting.
2. What are three books you’ve read in the past year?
     I read the entire Twilight Saga as well as "Wuthering Heights."
3. As a child, what did you do in your free time?
     When I was a child, I mainly played outside and colored in my free time. I also wrote poems sometimes.
4. What’s a goal that has been on your list for a few years?
     A goal I've had for a while now is to start eating healthier and exercising regularly.
5. What do you actually do with your free time?
    In the time I'm not doing homework, I'm normally texting friends or playing guitar.
6. What types of activities energize you?
    As much as I hate running, I love the way I feel after I'm done. I also love bike riding and playing baseball.
7. What famous people intrigue you?
    I don't really keep up with any famous people.
Although she's not incredibly famous, First Lady Deal intrigues me. She interests me because of her honestly and willingness to help the people, as well as support her husband, Governor Deal.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

For this assignment I could not choose only one quote. The following quotes are so powerful and outline the themes of my life: perseverance and optimism.

Mary Pickford
"If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. "
~ Mary Pickford

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"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will."
~ Dr. Robert Anthony
The first quote by Mary Pickford illustrates perseverance. It is one of my favorites because it encourages you to keep pushing on even if you have already made mistakes. My favorite part is the end when she says, "...for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." I love that part because it lets people know that simply not succeeding isn't failure. You do not fail until you give up.
Dr. Robert Anthony's quote depicts optimism. I love being optimistic and searching for the good in everything. Anthony's quote describes this optimistic outlook because it encourages people to stop stressing over the millions of reason why something won't work out and to focus on the one perfect reason for why it will. It remind me of a quote by Thomas Edison that went along the lines of, "I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to not make a light bulb."
To tie these quotes together I would say this: True success comes from innumerable attempts, a positive attitude, and perseverance.


Here are just a few photos of my recent highlights:
Taken when the HMP class met First Lady Deal

Me at the STAR Student banquet with my STAR Teacher, Mr. Craig Cantrell

Me at the STAR Student banquet with the school counselor, Mrs. Leigh Cumiskey, and the principal, Mr. Jeff Cooper